Source code for iofree.schema

import abc
import enum
import struct
import typing
from collections import deque
from struct import Struct

from . import (
from .exceptions import ParseError

_parent_stack: typing.Deque["BinarySchema"] = deque()

[docs]class Unit(abc.ABC): """Unit is the base class of all units. \ If you can build your own unit class, you must inherit from it""" def __iter__(self): return self.get_value()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_value(self) -> typing.Generator: "get object you want from bytes"
@abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, obj: typing.Any) -> bytes: "convert user-given object to bytes"
[docs] def parse(self, data: bytes, *, strict: bool = True): "a convenient function to help you parse fixed bytes" return Parser(self.get_value()).parse(data, strict=strict)
[docs]class BinarySchemaMetaclass(type): def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): fields: typing.Dict[str, FieldType] = {} for key, member in namespace.items(): if isinstance(member, (Unit, BinarySchemaMetaclass)): fields[key] = member namespace[key] = MemberDescriptor(key, member) namespace["_fields"] = fields return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace) # def __init__(cls, name: str, bases: tuple, namespace: dict): # fields: typing.Dict[str, FieldType] = {} # for key, member in namespace.items(): # if isinstance(member, (Unit, BinarySchemaMetaclass)): # fields[key] = member # cls._fields = fields # super().__init__(name, bases, namespace) def __str__(cls): s = ", ".join(f"{name}={field}" for name, field in cls._fields.items()) return f"{cls.__name__}({s})" def __iter__(cls): return cls.get_value()
[docs] def get_value(cls) -> typing.Generator[tuple, typing.Any, "BinarySchema"]: "get `BinarySchema` object from bytes" mapping: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} parser = yield from get_parser() parser._mapping_stack.append(mapping) try: for name, field in cls._fields.items(): mapping[name] = yield from field.get_value() except Exception: raise ParseError(mapping) finally: parser._mapping_stack.pop() return cls(*mapping.values())
[docs] def get_parser(cls) -> Parser: return Parser(cls.get_value())
[docs] def parse(cls, data: bytes, *, strict: bool = True) -> "BinarySchema": return cls.get_parser().parse(data, strict=strict)
[docs]class BinarySchema(metaclass=BinarySchemaMetaclass): """The main class for users to define their own binary structures""" def __init__(self, *args): self._modified = True if len(args) != len(self.__class__._fields): raise ValueError( f"need {len(self.__class__._fields)} args, got {len(args)}" ) self.values = {} self.bins = {} _parent_stack.append(self) try: for arg, (name, field) in zip(args, self.__class__._fields.items()): # if isinstance(field, BinarySchemaMetaclass): # binary = arg.binary # elif isinstance(field, Unit): # binary = field(arg) # if arg is ...: # arg = field.get_default() setattr(self, name, arg) # self.bins[name] = binary finally: _parent_stack.pop() if hasattr(self, "__post_init__"): self.__post_init__()
[docs] def member_get(self, name): return self.values[name]
[docs] def member_set(self, name, value, binary): self.bins[name] = binary self.values[name] = value self._modified = True
@property def binary(self): if self._modified: self._binary = b"".join(self.bins.values()) self._modified = False return self._binary def __str__(self): sl = [] for name in self.__class__._fields: value = getattr(self, name) sl.append(f"{name}={value!r}") s = ", ".join(sl) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({s})" def __repr__(self): return f"<{self}>" def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False for name in self.__class__._fields: if getattr(self, name) != getattr(other, name): return False return True
# FieldType = typing.Union[BinarySchemaMetaclass, Unit] FieldType = typing.Union[typing.Type[BinarySchema], Unit]
[docs]class MemberDescriptor: __slots__ = ("key", "member") def __init__(self, key: str, member: FieldType): self.key = key self.member = member def __get__(self, obj: typing.Optional[BinarySchema], owner): if obj is None: return self.member return obj.member_get(self.key) def __set__(self, obj: BinarySchema, value): if isinstance(self.member, BinarySchemaMetaclass): binary = value.binary elif isinstance(self.member, Unit): binary = self.member(value) if value is ...: value = self.member.parse(binary) obj.member_set(self.key, value, binary)
[docs]class StructUnit(Unit): def __init__(self, format_: str): self._struct = Struct(format_) def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._struct.format})"
[docs] def get_value(self): return (yield from read_raw_struct(self._struct))[0]
def __call__(self, obj) -> bytes: return self._struct.pack(obj)
[docs]class IntUnit(Unit): def __init__(self, length: int, byteorder: str, signed: bool = False): self.length = length self.byteorder = byteorder self.signed = signed
[docs] def get_value(self): return ( yield from read_int( self.length, byteorder=self.byteorder, signed=self.signed ) )
def __call__(self, obj: int) -> bytes: return obj.to_bytes(self.length, self.byteorder, signed=self.signed)
int8 = StructUnit("b") uint8 = StructUnit("B") int16 = StructUnit("h") int16be = StructUnit(">h") uint16 = StructUnit("H") uint16be = StructUnit(">H") int24 = IntUnit(3, "little", signed=True) int24be = IntUnit(3, "big", signed=True) uint24 = IntUnit(3, "little", signed=False) uint24be = IntUnit(3, "big", signed=False) int32 = StructUnit("i") int32be = StructUnit(">i") uint32 = StructUnit("I") uint32be = StructUnit(">I") int64 = StructUnit("q") int64be = StructUnit(">q") uint64 = StructUnit("Q") uint64be = StructUnit(">Q") float16 = StructUnit("e") float16be = StructUnit(">e") float32 = StructUnit("f") float32be = StructUnit(">f") float64 = StructUnit("d") float64be = StructUnit(">d")
[docs]class Bytes(Unit): def __init__(self, length: int): self.length = length if length >= 0: self._struct = Struct(f"{length}s") def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.length})"
[docs] def get_value(self): if self.length >= 0: return (yield from read_raw_struct(self._struct))[0] else: return (yield from read())
def __call__(self, obj) -> bytes: if self.length >= 0: return self._struct.pack(obj) else: return obj
[docs]class MustEqual(Unit): def __init__(self, unit: Unit, value: typing.Any): self.unit = unit self.value = value def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.unit}, {self.value})"
[docs] def get_value(self): result = yield from self.unit.get_value() if self.value != result: raise ValueError(f"expect {self.value}, got {result}") return result
def __call__(self, obj) -> bytes: if obj is not ...: if self.value != obj: raise ValueError(f"expect {self.value}, got {obj}") return self.unit(self.value)
[docs]class EndWith(Unit): def __init__(self, bytes_: bytes): self.bytes_ = bytes_ def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.bytes_})"
[docs] def get_value(self): return (yield from read_until(self.bytes_, return_tail=False))
def __call__(self, obj: bytes) -> bytes: return obj + self.bytes_
[docs]class LengthPrefixedBytes(Unit): def __init__(self, length_unit: typing.Union[StructUnit, IntUnit]): self.length_unit = length_unit def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.length_unit})"
[docs] def get_value(self): length = yield from self.length_unit.get_value() return (yield from read_struct(f"{length}s"))[0]
def __call__(self, obj: bytes) -> bytes: length = len(obj) return self.length_unit(length) + struct.pack(f"{length}s", obj)
[docs]class LengthPrefixed(Unit): def __init__( self, length_unit: typing.Union[StructUnit, IntUnit], object_unit: FieldType ): self.length_unit = length_unit self.object_unit = object_unit def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.length_unit}, {self.object_unit})"
[docs] def get_value(self): length = yield from self.length_unit.get_value() (data,) = yield from read_struct(f"{length}s") parser = Parser(self._gen()) return parser.parse(data)
@abc.abstractmethod def _gen(self) -> typing.Generator: ""
[docs]class LengthPrefixedObjectList(LengthPrefixed): def _gen(self): parser = yield from get_parser() lst = [] yield from wait() while parser.has_more_data(): lst.append((yield from self.object_unit.get_value())) return lst def __call__(self, obj_list: typing.List[FieldType]) -> bytes: if isinstance(self.object_unit, BinarySchemaMetaclass): bytes_ = b"".join(bs.binary for bs in obj_list) elif isinstance(self.object_unit, Unit): bytes_ = b"".join(self.object_unit(bs) for bs in obj_list) return self.length_unit(len(bytes_)) + bytes_
[docs]class LengthPrefixedObject(LengthPrefixed): def _gen(self): parser = yield from get_parser() v = yield from self.object_unit.get_value() if parser.has_more_data(): raise ValueError("extra bytes left") return v def __call__(self, obj: FieldType) -> bytes: bytes_ = ( obj.binary if isinstance(self.object_unit, BinarySchemaMetaclass) else self.object_unit(obj) ) return self.length_unit(len(bytes_)) + bytes_
[docs]class Switch(Unit): def __init__(self, ref: str, cases: typing.Mapping[typing.Any, FieldType]): self.ref = ref self.cases = cases def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.ref}, {self.cases})"
[docs] def get_value(self): parser = yield from get_parser() mapping = parser._mapping_stack[-1] unit = self.cases[mapping[self.ref]] return (yield from unit.get_value())
def __call__(self, obj) -> bytes: parent = _parent_stack[-1] real_field = self.cases[getattr(parent, self.ref)] return real_field(obj) if isinstance(real_field, Unit) else obj.binary
[docs]class SizedIntEnum(Unit): def __init__( self, size_unit: typing.Union[StructUnit, IntUnit], enum_class: typing.Type[enum.IntEnum], ): self.size_unit = size_unit self.enum_class = enum_class def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.size_unit}, {self.enum_class})"
[docs] def get_value(self): v = yield from self.size_unit.get_value() return self.enum_class(v)
def __call__(self, obj: enum.IntEnum) -> bytes: return self.size_unit(obj.value)
[docs]class Convert(Unit): def __init__(self, unit: Unit, *, encode: typing.Callable, decode: typing.Callable): self.unit = unit self.encode = encode self.decode = decode def __str__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f"({self.unit}, encode={self.encode}, decode={self.decode})" )
[docs] def get_value(self): v = yield from self.unit.get_value() return self.decode(v)
def __call__(self, obj: typing.Any) -> bytes: return self.unit(self.encode(obj))
[docs]class String(Convert): def __init__(self, length: int, encoding="utf-8"): super().__init__( Bytes(length), encode=lambda x: x.encode(encoding), decode=lambda x: x.decode(encoding), )
[docs]class LengthPrefixedString(Convert): def __init__( self, length_unit: typing.Union[StructUnit, IntUnit], encoding="utf-8" ): super().__init__( LengthPrefixedBytes(length_unit), encode=lambda x: x.encode(encoding), decode=lambda x: x.decode(encoding), )
[docs]def Group(**fields: typing.Dict[str, FieldType]) -> typing.Type[BinarySchema]: return type("Group", (BinarySchema,), fields)